Denmark provides $2.3 million for humanitarian needs in Sudan
The government of Denmark has contributed $2.3 million to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) for 2015, following its contribution of $22.7 million since 2008 to help address growing humanitarian needs in Sudan.
The United Nations office of the resident and humanitarian coordinator in Sudan said, in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune, the Danish contribution comes at a critical time when funding for humanitarian action is scarce and humanitarian needs are growing.
The statement quoted the Danish minister for trade and development cooperation, Mogens Jensen, as saying the “humanitarian situation in Sudan remains extremely serious and is worsening in some areas”. Jensen added that the continued unrest in parts of Darfur, Abyei, South Kordofan and Blue Nile still generates severe displacement of civilians, who will need assistance and protection. Sudan has received more than 120,000 refugees fleeing from the ongoing violence in South Sudan.
Adnan Khan, the UN acting humanitarian coordinator said that Denmark’s timely contribution to CHF is greatly appreciated as it will help ensure that humanitarian assistance continues to reach the most vulnerable communities, pointing that CHF funds will be used to support top and high priority humanitarian interventions across Sudan.
Last year, the Sudan CHF received support from Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK).
This entry was posted in Humanitarian Aid, International Cooperation by Grant Montgomery.